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The Dragon Shapes Its Image: A Study of Chinese Media Influence Strategies in Africa

by Michael Leslie Abstract As China continues its human, cultural and commercial expansion into Africa it has a clear strategic interest in managing its image on the continent. The leadership in both its government and private sectors know China must find ways to counteract negative reports that accuse China and some African leaders and their regimes […]

The Image of Africa in China: The Emerging Role of Chinese Social Media

by Lianxing Li Abstract While the debate on Africa’s image is sliding into two extremes in the Western world, either too desperate or too optimistic, China’s narrative on this continent remains politically oriented and does not fit the fast growing economic and trade relationships between two sides. As the online social platform is gaining mass popularity […]

Press and Politics in Zimbabwe

by Stanford D. Musaka Abstract This paper provides a historical background to the development of the press in Zimbabwe and identifies the political, social and economic interventions that have shaped the editorial policies and directions of the press. The development of the press in Zimbabwe press, the paper suggests, can be categorized into three eras: colonial/nationalist (pre-1980); transitional […]

Media, Social Movements and the State: Competing Images of HIV/AIDS in South Africa

by Sean Jacobs and Krista Johnson Abstract South Africa’s mainstream print and broadcast media have attained a central role in shaping the discourse about HIV/AIDS as a result of their elevated role in politics after apartheid. Studies of media coverage of HIV/AIDS, however, have shown that despite the horrific impact of AIDS in South Africa, until […]