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“Earning among Friends”: Business Practices and Creed among Petty Traders in Tanzania

by Sayaka Ogawa Abstract This paper analyzes how petty street traders called Machinga have created unique credit transactions in response to the political and socio-economical transformation after the economic liberalization of Tanzania. The credit transaction described in this paper is called Mali Kauli and is conducted by middlemen and micro-scale retailers. In this paper, I will discuss how newly […]

Moral Economy as Emotional Interaction: Food Sharing and Reciprocity in Highland Ethiopia

by Keiichiro Matsumura Abstract In peasant studies, many anthropologists have taken the view that the peasant economy has some salient cultural traits distinct from the rational choice of neoclassical economics. This view has been criticized by political economists as ignoring the process and mechanism of peasants’ economic behavior. This paper examines cases of food sharing in highland […]