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The Rise of a New Senegalese Cultural Philosophy?

by Devin Bryson Abstract The Senegalese social movement Y’en a Marre formed in 2011 in response to political stagnation and a lack of key public services. It played a decisive role in defeating incumbent president Abdoulaye Wade in his unconstitutional reelection campaign in 2012. This article considers the movement within the context of postcolonial Senegalese cultural politics. […]

The New Type of Senegalese under Construction: Fadel Barro and Aliou Sané on Yenamarrism after Wade

by Sarah Nelson Abstract Senegal’s Y’en a Marre movement, formed in early 2011, was instrumental in mobilizing the nation’s population, and especially its youth, to participate in the 2012 presidential election and to prevent the incumbent president from hijacking the political institutions and electoral process in order to remain in power. Since the 2012 election, far from […]

African Culture And Personality: Bad Social Science, Effective Social Activism, Or A Call To Reinvent Ethnology?

by James E. Lassiter Abstract Western social scientists abandoned typical personality and national character studies during the 1960s. However, many sub-Saharan African scholars in various disciplines, those resident on the continent and elsewhere, have continued to identify, describe and make use of what they consider to be widespread African psychological characteristics and patterns of cultural […]