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Local Needs and Agency Conflict: A Case Study of Kajo Keji County, Sudan

by Randall Fegley Abstract During Southern Sudan’s second period of civil war, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) provided almost all of the region’s public services and greatly influenced local administration. Refugee movements, inadequate infrastructures, food shortages, accountability issues, disputes and other difficulties overwhelmed both the agencies and newly developed civil authorities. Blurred distinctions between political and humanitarian […]

Ethiopia’s Role in South Sudan’s March to Independence, 1955-1991

by Belete Belachew Yihun Abstract The historical processes leading to the emergence of the states of Eritrea (1991) and South Sudan (2011) have yet to be satisfactorily reconstructed. The extended conflict between Ethiopia and Sudan since the late 1950s and the resultant war of attrition and vengeance they have waged against each other is considered among […]