by C. T. Gadzirayi, E. Mutandwa, and T. J. Chikuvire
The broad objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of maize cob powder in controlling maize weevils in stored maize grain. A completely randomized block design, in which twelve small bags of maize containing 0.5 kg of maize grain (SC5313 dent variety), were used. Three concentration levels of maize cob powder 5g, 45g and 75g per 0.5 kg were compared with the control experiment containing conventional chemical Actellic super at 5g. Findings showed that conventional chemical control was more effective than traditional method at 5g and 45g levels of maize cob powder. However, greater effectiveness of cob powder was observed at 75g level. In the absence of conventional methods of control, which are unavailable due to local supply bottlenecks, the study recommends use of maize cob powder to control weevils.
C.T. Gadzirayi is a lecturer in the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Science at Bindura University of Science Education. He has extensive experience in research work ranging from supervisory management, environmental management and education and training. He has published in a number of international journals in Africa, US and the UK.
E. Mutandwa is a lecturer in the Department of Agriculture at Bindura University of Science Education. He holds an MSc Agricultural Economics degree from the University of Zimbabwe. Currently he is working on an Organization for Social Science Research (OSSREA) project entitled “Can Biotechnology be considered as a vehicle for revitalizing African Agriculture?” He has also worked as an Operations Research Officer in ITDG Southern Africa.
T.J. Chikuvire is a lecturer in the Department of Crop Science at Bindura University of Science Education. He has previously worked for the Institute of Environmental Studies and Ministry of Lands and Agriculture in Zimbabwe. He has extensive experience in collaborative research within Southern Africa and Europe in the area of post harvest technology and biotechnology.
Reference Style: The following is the suggested format for referencing this article: C.T. Gadzirayi, E. Mutandwa, and T.J. Chikuvire, “Effectiveness of Maize Cob Powder in Controlling Weevils in Stored Maize Grain” African Studies Quarterly 8, no.4: (2006)