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White Liberalism and Black Consciousness in Rosie Motene’s Reclaiming the Soil (2018)

by Rodwell Makombe Abstract White liberal gestures of kindness such as interventions to alleviate poverty in black communities are often seen as altruistic initiatives with noble intentions. However, in recent years, these interventions have come under greater scrutiny as scholars question the “white savior mentality” that often frames and propels such initiatives. In fact, contemporary […]

by Oliver Nyambi and Rodwell Makombe Abstract The Bantustans – separate territories created for black African occupation by the apartheid regime in South Africa were some of the most telling sites and symbols of “domestic colonialism” in South Africa. In them resided and still reside the overt and covert influences, beliefs and knowledge systems that defined and […]

Establishing the Truth about the Apartheid Past: Historians and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

by Jacobus A. du Pisani and Kwang-Su Kim Abstract The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was mandated to establish “the truth” about the causes, nature and extent of gross violations of human rights in the country between 1960 and 1994. This article assesses the significance of the TRC for historians and the writing […]