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by Olabiyi Babalola Yai The articles in this issue of African Studies Quarterly are entirely devoted to studies of religion and philosophy in Africa. This is a wise decision at this juncture in the history of the cluster of disciplines called “African Studies”. For, as it is generally admitted, African worldviews and religions inform all […]

Livelihoods and Security in Africa: Contending Perspectives in the New Global Order

by Goran Hyden, University of Florida Introduction Development, as we typically define it, implies the integration of livelihoods into an increasingly global economy where the destinies of people living continents apart are no longer separate. New forms of social consciousness emerge from the effects of these globalized resource flows. Conflicts arise more and more over control […]

Letter to the Editor

Response to The Making of Contemporary Africa: The Development of African Society Since 1800. 2nd ed. Bill Freund. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., Boulder, 1998. Original Book Review by William H. Worger, Volume 3, Issue 1 In a recent review that you published, Bill Worger produced comments on a book of mine so misleading as to require […]

African Culture and Personality: A Comment on James E. Lassiter

by D. A. Masolo Introduction The last two decades of the nineteen hundreds witnessed a pleasing upsurge in African scholarship, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. This upsurge signaled a significant shift in African studies that saw African scholars take leading discursive roles. It also shifted the nature and direction of African studies as […]